Welcome to Craccum, where we put the “agony” in “agony aunt.” We’re not qualified to deal with your problems, but neither are you.
Is using Bing instead of Google a red flag?
Unless the person is Steve Ballmer, this is a sign of a serial killer.1
What food do I have to eat to be happy? Asking for me, not a friend.
Firstly, I appreciate your honesty. In answer to your question, I usually find Gelato does the trick. One occasionally must stretch to a Famous Star from Carls Junior, but that’s only necessary for a very serious depression. Alternatively, if you want to get sadder, try some sushi from Munchy Mart.
How do I decide whether or not to change my degree?
A tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme, not knowing what the fuck to studdddddyyyyyyyy.
The important thing to remember is that all degrees suck to an extent. I don’t know a single person who loves every moment of their degree. But EVERYONE I know hates assignments and exams and 8am lectures. Don’t expect to love studying because – and I cannot stress this enough – studying is ass. So, you need to keep your eyes on the future.
The experience of studying your degree is nothing like the experience of working in that field 99.999% of the time. Henceforth (fancy), the best thing you can do is go out and get some practical experience in your area to see if your degree will eventually pay off. Do some volunteering, find an internship, or at least talk to some people who work in that field. That way, you can make sure it’s worth it in the end rather than wasting your time.
Did I just give some actual fucking advice in this stupid column? My editor is going to die of shock.
There’s a bunch of faculty steins going on… which faculty has the best steins, and which have the worst?

1. Steve Ballmer was the CEO of Microsoft in 2009, when they unveiled Bing. Come to Who Asked You for the laughs, stay for the computer engineering facts.
*According to Google Translate, stein means stone in German. Come for the computer engineering facts, stay for the complicated bilingual puns.