The internet is a tool for education, literacy, health, media, gaming and so much more. It has changed the world in immeasurable ways, and our global society cannot function without its warm embrace. This Twitter account is what happens when its warm embrace goes on too long, and what was a mutually consensual expression of affection becomes a demon’s inhumane clinging to my fragile body.
The stars of this account are not aware of themselves. That goes without saying – they’re mostly Americans, after all. In the pursuit of fame afforded to Viners back in the day, these Tik Tok users try to emulate what the average internet denizen might have found funny in 2013. The results are… varied. Trying to give any morality to these videos defeats the purpose; these people exist on a plane we were never meant to understand, from the weeaboos proudly displaying their various fetishes in a six second span; the genuinely sweet grandparents that don’t know how media works; to the 50 year old users that emulate children crying and throwing tantrums in public, to the genuinely terrifying Tik Tok Guys that, through their lip biting and whites-only eyeballs, seek to call dominion over all the quivering pussies ripe for conquest in our great world. I wish that last sentence was just me pulling words out of a hat. It was a line from one of the Tik Toks.
And I can’t stop watching. You won’t be able to stop either.
10/10: Beyond good and evil