This show is something alright. It’s gonna be one of those shows that you really love it or hate it, because of the experimental structure of the show and the woozy graphic design they have chosen. While there is an overarching storyline throughout this season, each episode consists of a segment of a real-life podcast by Duncan Trussell inserted as the characters’ dialogue. I guess it’s fitting, since the main character is trying to go big in the space-cast scene by interviewing various characters in the simulated galaxy.
The dialogue is very entertaining to listen to, especially given that the characters usually discuss existential topics that are rarely delivered well through adult animation as a medium. Honestly, I generally had a good time listening to the characters talking about forgiveness or why meditation works, while the colourful animations acted as an ever-changing background to the conversations. The animation could range from cute cat pirates to a scene of space creatures mass slaughtered in the meat factory by clown people. There’s Mpreg as well, so… there’s that. Sometimes the visuals almost contradict the relaxed and engaging conversation with the hyper violent dreamscapes.
Once you get adjusted to the first couple episodes, the chances are that you would get hold of the structure of the show and not regret it.
7/10: Adventure Time, but with a podcast and a sprinkle of Mpreg