RETRO REVIEW: My Twitter Timeline Before Game of Thrones
My Saturdays and Sundays were so peaceful. Sure, the occasional freak would retweet a GIF of someone getting their hole blasted wide open, but aside from that, my timeline was a sacred place. But now it has been held hostage by HBO’s golden child, no matter how I mute the content. And it doesn’t go! I’ve never understood the appeal of Game of Thrones – it seems like the hetero crowd living out God of War fantasies, incestual relations and all. It doesn’t seem like it has anything more than that, especially with the news that with CCP censorship of unbecoming sexual and violent content, it apparently turns into a ‘mundane medieval documentary’. I suppose that’s a pretty telling aspect of what is left if the show is stripped of the famous incest! But anyway, it’s my poor timeline that has to suffer – taking Tyrion in one hole, and being pegged by Daenerys in another. I get it. It’s a big show. You guys haven’t watched any other show since Breaking Bad ended, and you’re making the most of it because you won’t know what else to watch until Game of Thrones: Young Sheldon starts up in a couple of years. I just beg you all to chill – my Twitter app is starting to think I live in a Nordic wasteland.
8/10: It was tranquil