A way to optimise your sleep cycle to maximise your hustling hours
A month ago, I was lying in my bed at night, deep into the AMs, revenge bedtime procrastinating on YouTube, when I found this video by Mike Chang, which transformed my life forever. The video in question is titled “Why I stop sleeping on beds and went to the floor instead,” and it has gained over 1.2 million views in the past few months. In the video, he recounts how he has gone a whole decade without using any bed and that it majorly improved his sleep quality, health and general well-being.
It piqued my curiosity, although he didn’t go into much theory as to why no bed = good sleep. But something in my head clicked when I recalled from my Sports & Exercise science classes that wearing shoes that overly support your foot had adverse health effects. So I decided to try it, jumped out of bed, put my duvet on the floor and fell asleep.
The first night was challenging as the floor felt so uncomfortable. But the following day, I already felt better rested, lighter, relaxed and energised, but I still woke up quite late at 9 am. There wasn’t much change for the next few days; still struggling to sleep but waking up refreshed. The first real benefit I noticed was that I couldn’t rest for another 5 minutes or fall back asleep quickly. Once I was up, I was up. I’ve found my days to be so much more productive. After about 2 weeks, I switched from my duvet to just a thin sheet as I began to adjust to the hard surface. After three weeks of sleeping on the floor, I started waking up earlier, my new normal is 6 am. It was at this point that I finally decided to sell my bed to make quick cash. I don’t need it anymore. And I think you should try sleeping on the floor too, even for three days. Just try it. Trust me, you’ll feel so much better. Thank me later 😉