Cam says:
Welcome everyone to the first ever online only edition of Craccum! In our ninety-three year history as the University of Auckland’s student magazine, this is the first time that Craccum hasn’t been published in print.
This would be a monumental occasion if it wasn’t for the fact that this change has only been brought about with the closure of campus for the foreseeable future and the shift to online teaching for the rest of the semester as the country enters an Alert Level Four lockdown and we all prepare to stay home for the next month or so.
This time we’re living in is completely unprecedented. I know, we hear that a lot in the media at the moment, but it’s true. This is unlike anything we’ve experienced before. We’re only at the beginning of it, and while the novelty of it all is fine for now, it isn’t going to get much easier.
Take this time for what it is. Yes it can be frustrating, but it’s also a time to be at home, spend time with your family (until they drive you crazy) and to take self care to the maximum. I’m talking lots of Netflix, sleeping in, and a fair bit of snacking (maybe do a couple of two-metres-away-from-others walks around the neighbourhood to account for that)
Take care folks, look after yourselves and one another and see you on Zoom!
Dan says:
Is it wrong to say I’m enjoying this?
Not COVID-19, obviously, but the lockdown. It’s kind of nice having an excuse to lounge about in my bed all day, doing nothing but reading, watching videos, and chatting with friends and family.
I spent yesterday clocking The Order: 1886 for the second time this year. Today, I’ll probably potter around the park with my dog, dust down my bedroom, and spend a couple of hours napping on the couch in our sunlit living room.
The apocalypse isn’t as bad as they made it sound.
Granted, I’m writing this having spent only one day in full lockdown mode. I expect things will get harder later down the road. I’ve already chewed through all my lockdown snacks (there’s more popcorn packets on my floor than carpet), I forgot to buy some new video games before the beginning of the lockdown, and I’m already a little sick of having the same conversations over and over again with my family.
But for now, things are okay. I might go insane at some point – expect my editorials to be written in shit smeared across my wall as we draw towards the end of the lockdown – but I can’t see that happening for a while.
For the next few days, I’m just gonna enjoy it. I hope you do too.