Come and celebrate such putrid taste
Jealous grifters squeak so loud and bitter
Let it gestate, crumble, split
And salivating flags wave defeat fought hard
Freed gleeful, spread word and smell
Buttered no more, this cheesy mold
Of course, such arrogant beauty grows, this mold.
Sensual bulbs graze arduous ground, to callous taste
Now orange, lilac, yellow, gold, what smell!
You stand, ordained, goats, new, wary, bitter
while teething blades breach soft and hard
and finally, when no one is looking, skins split
You gaze in disgust, at this mini moon split
Doctor! Burn away this mold.
A flaked sticker peels below your nose, so tough, so hard.
Flick pick stick it away; jog tongue around for bloody taste
As effective as a dash of bitters
Now see the difference? Lick the smell?
Seethe such sudden desire, and the kicker: smell
Do not fear a partner ready to split
This will remedy any spouse bitter
Purge all unions drowned in mold
French, Italian, every kind of taste
Buy Black Meadows, at least something will get hard!
Speaking of, why make it so hard?
Like dumping a memory of a lingering smell
Even now you can feel stubborn taste
This experimental, sensational, green banana split
Chef Cronus, kitchen cleaning, sets the mold
No! Bananas aren’t meant to be so bitter
Or bulged, swollen, dripped, not bitter!
You plunge through swirling holes, breathing hard
Gold paradise survived and figures of mold
Ten thousand ninjas die and smell
Dive, tuck, run, leap, dodge, ouch, scuffed, split
Red rivers gush, rejoice, our taste
Mold, now finished, is so, so bitter
Taste sleeps deep, floored hard
Smell packed up and, finally, split.