News Bulletin: E Tū Union go on strike
Members of the E Tū union – which includes Maori Television workers – have initiated strike action, following claims that member’s concerns were being ignored by the company.
Approximately forty workers protested outside Maori Television offices in East Tamaki.
There was a clear sign of trouble with comments that surrounded inaction from the company around the end of last year (2017), where a lack of communication and seriousness about issues was present. E tū industry co-ordinator Joe Gallagher reported elsewhere that this inaction by Maori TV wasn’t rectified until the threat of a strike notice was administered.
This is what upset members of the union most of all; the monetary incentives used to be the main focus however, a lack of respect by the broadcaster exacerbated the issue into something far more serious than it needed to be.
As it stands, negotiations are still ongoing and Maori TV have contingency plans in place so programming is unaffected.