C’s get degrees and thankfully so does a C-

Week Six will leave many of us scrambling to find what it was we were actually supposed to have learned so far. It’s a fact that brings us more comfort when we realise it wasn’t just ourselves that started the assignment the day before it was due.
The C’s get degrees motto has been around since the first print of Craccum with a whole article dedicated to it (that’s a lie but it’s your fault for believing me without a citation). It is not necessarily a motto to live by, but more of a motto to get us through the red bull fueled all-nighters. Because let’s face it, we don’t always do our best work. Life gets in the way. Yes, sometimes life if is too many cruisers at 101, a weekend away with mates, or too many assignments at once and something had to give. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t hand in our best work, but my god it is still a relief to hand that bastard in and be free of its negativity.
Over my time at university I have some great marks and I have had some truly shit marks (shout out to Biomed), but surprisingly I am still here and somewhere near finishing undergrad. Because at the end of the day, we are all young adults trying to get our shit together, and sometimes we just don’t have it all together.
So if you don’t have it all together right now it’s ok. It is one assignment, one quiz, one lab report. You have two weeks over the semester break to have a breather and move on. Pat an animal, blow off some steam, maybe doing a reading for good measure.