Chris Parker – Iconique
Chris Parker is unapologetically camp to! the! max! in his latest show. The show revolving around wanting to be an iconic figure as he completely embraces his sexuality and all the stereotypes that go along with it. Musical comedy is crafted into the show, with an energetic musical intro setting the tone for the unwavering energy throughout the show. The jokes come thick and fast about life as a millennial and trying to make it through your twenties. Prop comedy served as the glue that held the show together, with a back and forth with an Amazon Alexa served as a nice transition between bits.
I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of physical comedy that was used, which just added another dimension to the already packed act. His bit of imitating sex with the Alexa on stage was hilariously uncomfortable to watch because of how much he committed and didn’t break character. But the real highlight was his ode to the iconic Patti Lupone who serves as the inspiration to his final number.
After appearing on Jono and Ben, Parker shows that while he can entertain through the screen, he can enthrall on stage. His five shows at this year’s comedy festival were sold out well ahead of performance with another show being added on May 21st. It is possibly the gayest thing you will see all year and it’s amazing.
10/10: More iconic than Justin and Britney’s double denim