Wow, the beginning of Semester Two already? Oh well, thankfully everyone is extremely well-rested, very prepared, and definitely not distracted by the fact that the world is falling apart. We’re definitely not hungover, drinking copious amounts of coffee, napping, or reading the latest issue of Craccum in our lectures (*wink wink*).
Just kidding haha, we’re manifesting that, though.
Obviously, a lot has happened during this break. So much that we won’t even go into it. We’re sure you’ve heard enough from traditional media outlets about people losing their rights, violent crime, the 69th wave of Covid, the winter flu, not to mention murder and war and—
Thankfully we’re not traditional media. We’re Craccum. If you’ve just joined the wonderful University of Auckland this semester, welcome. If you’re coming back, our condolences—*ahem*— we mean, welcome back to this wonderful and definitely-worth-every-dollar-of-your-student-loan institution.
In case you aren’t already aware, we’re the University’s student magazine, your forum to chat about the stuff that matters to you. Whether that may be investigating into something shady your lecturer is doing, questioning how something fucked up with Inspera yet again, covering some really interesting research that’s happening at the Uni, talking shit about student life, or just expressing an opinion about something you’re passionate about—we want to hear it all. More importantly, we’d love to get you published. So, don’t be shy, come say hi.
And of course, what’s happening in the wider world does also matter to us. But as a mouthpiece for one of the most diverse student bodies in Aotearoa (read: made up of the most minorities) chances are you’re also tired of living in existential threat everyday.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our time in the media, it’s that sometimes the most radical action as a gender minority, a person of colour, disabled person, and/or LGBTQIA+ or Takatāpui person, is to live your life, and live it well.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our time in the media, it’s that sometimes the most radical action as a gender minority, a person of colour, disabled person, and/or LGBTQIA+ or Takatāpui person, is to live your life, and live it well.
And that’s what we want to help you do at Craccum. Sometimes life is about being loud, taking up space, and protesting the shit that’s wrong. We’re here for that. We’re also here for your silly little crossword and your silly little quiz and your silly little community events. We’ve also got some exciting stuff lined up this semester, including the second edition of Taumata Rau, as well as Fashion, Nostalgia, and Sex issues. If you join our whānau on the Craccum Community 2022 Facebook group (or follow us on Instagram), you can keep up to date with upcoming contributor events, and chances to meet the team. You can also keep an eye out for merch (!!) including limited edition stickers coming soon, the proceeds of which will go toward supporting our incredible artists.
Lectures are boring and life is shit, but hopefully picking up a Craccum makes it a little less shit.
The Crazy Relatable Art Cunts Creating Unamusing Magazines are back. The year can only go up from here… right?!
Flora Xie (she/her) and Naomii Seah (she/they)