92 results found for: killer joe

Scenes From A Yellow Peril

…different. We are all too familiar with the feeling of expecting a white partner (or even friend) to defend us from microaggressions (because surely they’re different from other white people). Nathan Joe very eloquently paints this exact awkward scenario and our hearts sink with every word. Confronted with how often we just let these microaggressions slip by, ‘Colonisation’ pops the…

Gay Death Stocktake

Written and produced by Nathan Joe As part of the Auckland Fringe Festival, Gay Death Stocktake is a show that explores the idea that a gay man’s defining decade is over by the time they’re 30. This is a show with no director and with a different performer gracing the Basement Theatre’s stage every night. There are no rehearsals—it’s bold,…

Before Shit Hits the Fan:A Preventative Mental Health Guide To Feeling Less Poopy

Let’s get this (emotionally stable) bread! I hate my brain. She’s insufferable in every way possible. Anxious. Hyper-active. Overly-critical. Numb. Dumb. Essentially the worst party pooper and vibe-killer you’ll ever meet. And with the new Semester approaching, I can just feel my long-standing beef with my brain amplifying as the old habits and unhelpful thinking patterns slowly creep back in….

DIY that doesn’t suck

…particular, don’t mix up FRsky and FreeSky. Start with an analogue camera for a simpler build experience. Use lead free solder (mmm heavy metals so good!) Get an all in one flight controller to cut down on soldering. Bill of materials: $200-$600 The gear is killer, but thankfully it’s buy once cry once. You’ll need to invest in: FPV goggles,…